Pay to Turkey through TEB E-banking!

TEB Bank offers the transfer service through e-banking with competitive commissions for Kosovo businesses that cooperate with companies in Turkey.
For all business accounts in Kosovo, the transfer commission from TEB Bank Sh.A. to TEB Turkey will be €0, for cases where the costs are covered by the person ordering the transfer (OUR option) and where the costs of transfer are shared (SHA option).
For transfers from TEB Bank Sh.A. to all other banks in Turkey, the bank commission will be €10 for cases where the transfer costs are shared (ShA option), while the fee of €30 (€10 is the commission of TEB bank and €20 is the commission of the corresponding bank) will apply where the costs are covered by the person ordering the transfer (OUR option).
For more information, please contact the Call Center at 038 230 000, Facebook/messenger (TEB Sh.A), Instagram (TEB Sh.A).
TEB, Bank for a changing world!