Term deposits in TEB

Special campaign for lucky savers!

Term deposits in TEB!
Special campaign for lucky savers!
Bring your savings to TEB in value over 5,000€ and for every term deposit above this value you become part of the prize game to win:
  • 15x summer vacation value 2,000 €
  •  15x iPhone 15Pro


Offer valid until 30.08.2024

Campaign criteria:

  • TEB and NON-TEB customers who will deposit or transfer the minimum amount of 5,000 EUR in their time deposit account at TEB
  • Funds must be held in the TDA account for at least 6 months
  • Existing deposit customers transferring funds from Current account, Savings or Flexi in the TDA account will qualify for the campaign
  • Only customers over the age of ≥18 will be eligible for the campaign.
For more information please contact the Call Center at 038230000
#TEB, The bank for a changing world!