Important Notice!

In the scope of enhancing mutual cooperation and raising the awareness of clients against the potential fraudsters who appear through various communication platforms, TEB Bank reminds you once again of being more cautious during your communications.
In order not to be exposed to deceptive attempts; never give out your personal and financial information, such as:
- Passwords / PIN number of your credit card and / or bank card,
- Credit card security number (three-digit number on the back),
- Internet branch password,
- Access and one-time transaction codes in the internet Branch
- Photo of your credit card and / or bank card,
- Photo of your ID,
- Your mother’s full name,
These data will never be requested by TEB Bank staff. TEB Bank never requires your personal information or passwords by e-mail or much less through digital communication platforms. Never click on any link included in this type of e-mail and never share / give your personal information.
Information such as Kosovo Identification Number (ID), brand / model of mobile phone, mobile phone number or maiden name is not required on the website access page. If you encounter something similar to the above data / requests which require this type of information, you should never identify yourself and immediately call TEB Bank Call Center 038 230000.
There may be fraudsters representing themselves as lawyers, police officers, prosecutors, bankers (especially by allegedly calling themselves as TEB Bank employees), or pretending to be friends or a company with which you cooperate on social networks or e-mails. The purpose of these people is to carry out fraudulent activities by taking your internet / mobile banking passwords, identity information or access information.
Under no circumstances should you hesitate to contact the Call Center for clients (038/230000), your portfolio or the Branch where you receive banking services.
For your password and information security:
Under no circumstances does TEB Bank request this information from our clients by phone or in writing. Therefore, please do not respond to people who call you and ask you to share your information.
Official communication
The official and the only communication channels of TEB Bank Sh.A. are the following:
- Facebook: TEB ShA
- Instagram: teb.sha
- Call Center 038/230000,
- E-mail: and
- TEB Bank Branches
- Viber TEB Community Group (only messaging platform)
TEB, the Bank for a changing world!