TEB Bank and EBRD in Support of Digital Transformation of Women’s Businesses

TEB Bank, in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in honor of the International Women’s Day, March 8, organized the event “Women Entrepreneurs Embracing Digital Transformation”.
Participants in this organization were representatives of women-owned majority businesses, which over the years have cooperated with TEB Bank and EBRD.
The main topic of this event was the digital transformation of the business, as well as the unveiling of online sales platforms, which further develop their businesses. Representatives from SheInspires, Appdec and UNWOMEN shared with the participants the digital platforms created especially for their enterprises.
After the presentations, participants had the opportunity to attend one of the trainings: “Digitalization of accounting, an important element for business growth” by Melita & Partners and “Grow your business with digital marketing” by Think B Agency.
TEB Bank is the only one in the banking sector in Kosovo that offers a special program for women’s businesses. Since the establishment of this program, more than 1,500 women businesses have been supported with a total credit value of 47 MIO EUR and more than 30 trainings on important topics on business progress.
TEB, Bank for a changing world!