TEB in support of the Francophonie Week in Kosovo

TEB Bank will sponsor, for the third year in a row, the Francophonie Week that will be held in Pristina and Peja.
Francophonie Week, which is celebrated every year, in March, in more than 70 countries of the world, is also organized in Kosovo. The official opening of the 23rd edition of this event will take place on March 21st, in Pristina, to continue at the centre of Francophonie 2023 in Peja from March 22nd to March 27th.
The agreement, on the part of TEB Sh.A., is signed by the Deputy Managing Directors, Serhan Ozarslan and Dukagjin Shylemaja, while from the Embassy of France it is signed by the Advisor for Cooperation and Cultural Activities, Donato Giuliani.
Francophonie Week is considered the main activity in Kosovo for francophone culture, which includes a number of different cultural activities such as film, poetry, culinary, music, tourism, sports, environment, creative industry, various workshops, etc.
The events planned for this occasion are organized by the Embassy of France, in partnership with the Group of Francophone Embassies in Kosovo, and many other partners from Kosovo and France.
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